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  • Parish Administrator

Whitsunday, Nine Days of Prayer, Day 1 - Love

A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. -John 13:34

In a time gripped with fear, the most radical way we can live is in loving – God, our neighborhood, and our Christian community. We can do this by showing hospitality, by prayer, and by being friendly towards those that need a friend. As you pray through this first fruit of the spirit, some things we can pray about and ask ourselves is:

  1. Are there ways that I have failed to love and need to repent of? a. God b. My family c. My neighbors d. My Christian community

  2. Are there ways that the Lord is calling me to better love him or those I interact with?

  3. What are some tangible acts of love I can perform today and this week?

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