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September Abide in Christ

Parish Administrator

This month we are asking that you pray for as we discern our next steps for the physical plant of the church.

Memory Verse:

Lord our God, all this abundance that we have provided for building you a temple for your Holy Name comes from your hand, and all of it belongs to you.

1 Chronicles 20:16


Sept 1: Eph 1:15-end Sept 2: Eph 2:1-10 Sept: 3 Eph 2:11-end

Sept 4: Eph 3 Sept 5: Eph 4:1-16 Sept 6: Eph 4:17-end

Sept 7: Eph 5:1-17 Sept 8: Eph 5:18-end

Sept 9: Eph 6 Sept 10: Heb 1 Sept 11: Heb 2 Sept 12: Heb 3 Sept 13: Heb 4:1-13

Sept 14: John 12:23-33

Sept 15: Heb 5:11—6 end

Sept 16: Heb 7 Sept 17: Heb 8 Sept 18: Heb 9:1-14 Sept 19: Heb 9:15-end

Sept 20: Heb 10:1-18

Sept 21: Matt 9:9-13

Sept 22: Heb 11 Sept 23: Heb 12:1-17

Sept 24: Heb 12:18-end

Sept 25: Heb 13 Sept 26: Jas 1 Sept 27: Jas 2:1-13 Sept 28: Jas 2:14-end Sept 29: Jas 3 Sept 30: Jas 4

Prayer (For Faithfulness in the Use of this World’s Goods)

ALMIGHTY God, whose loving hand hath given us all that we possess; Grant us grace that we may honour thee with our substance, and remembering the account which we must one day give, may be faithful stewards of thy bounty; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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