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Pews News - February 2021

Parish Administrator

Dear Saints, It’s hard to believe that the first month of 2021 is already coming to an end. The year seems to have picked up where 2020 left off. This morning, I was reading “Practice in the Presence of God” which is a collection of notes about a humble monk from the 17th century known as Brother Lawrence. One of the things the monk made note of was his prayerful desire to accept the supremacy and goodness of God. This can be a difficult thing to accept when the world around us feels as crazy as it does in our age. However, scripture reminds us repeatedly that God is good and sovereign. We can rest in this a fact no matter how weary life feels. I have been reminded of God’s goodness over and over again and finding a great deal of comfort. We have seen our fair share of heartache in All Saints, yet to see each of you draw nearer to Christ, encourage one another, and give each other support in the shadow of so much has been a great encouragement to me. Please remember, this Sunday, Lord willing, and if the weather holds will be our Annual Meeting. Error Correction I made an error in my last short email – we will only have one service at 10 am this Sunday, January 31st. The annual meeting will follow immediately. I apologize for the confusion. Sunday’s Service Sunday we are going to have Litany and Ante-Communion. This is a service that has largely gone away, but I wanted to do it at least once, first so you all could see it and be more familiar with another traditional Anglican service. Secondly, it should be a beautiful and simple service. We will start with the great Litany, and then we will move into the first part of the Holy Communion service through to the creed. Following the Creed we will have a sermon, a time of quiet prayer and close our service. Up Coming Events around Arizona I wanted to make you all aware of two upcoming events put on by the Gospel Coalition. On the evening of March 19th there will be a short conference on Parenting in the Digital Age. On the evening of April 17th there will be a short workshop on Abuse and the Gospel. You can find out more information here: If you are interested, they are free events, but you need to pre-register. I look forward to seeing you all Sunday. In Christ, Fr. Ian

February's Outreach

Food Banks

Catholic Charities

  • Canned Fruit

  • Canned Vegetables

  • Canned Meats

  • Mac and Cheese

  • Soup

  • Rice

  • Beans

  • Crackers

  • Cereal

  • Peanut Butter

  • Jelly

Yavapai Food Bank

  • Canned Meats

    • Tuna

    • Roast Beef

    • Spam

    • Chicken

  • Canned Fruits

  • Canned Vegetables

  • Mac and Cheese

  • Peanut Butter

  • Jelly

  • Chunky soups with pop lids

  • Cereal

  • Rice

  • Beans

  • Easy food for the homeless to prepare

  • Foods kids would like

Lenten Appeal

Begins February 17. More information as it becomes available.


For more information on setting up your account check out the link below.

2020 in review

Happenings Around the Parish HallSunday ServicesFebruary 2 - Presentation of Christ (White)

Holy Communion

6:00 pm Service

Malachi 3:1-5

Luke 2:22-40

February 7 - Sexagesima (Purple)

Holy Communion

8:00 am - Don Foster Serving

10:00 am - Rob Serving

Isaiah 50:4-10 (Daniel)

Psalm 71

2 Corinthians 11:19-31 (Ben)

Luke 8:4-15

February 14 - Quinquagesima (Purple)

Morning Prayer

8:00 am - Don - Reading only

10:00 am - Ed Serving

Psalm 19, 23

Deuteronomy 10:12-15, 17-11:1 (Ann)

1 John 2:1-17 (Kitty)

February 17 - Ash Wednesday (Purple)

Holy Communion

8:30 am Service

6:00 pm Service

Joel 2:12-17

Matthew 6:16-21

February 21 - Lent 1 (Purple)

Holy Communion

8:00 am - Don Serving

10:00 am - Ben Serving

2 Corinthians 6:1-10 (Rob)

Matthew 4:1-11

February 28 - Lent 2 (Purple)

Holy Communion

8:00 am Ben Serving

10:00 am Rob Serving

1Kings 8:37-43 (Holly)

Psalm 142

1 Thessalonians 4:1-8 (Ed)

Matthew 15:21

Upcoming EventsTuesday, February 2

6:00 pm - Presentation of Christ

Wednesday, February 3

6:00 pm - Evening Prayer

Friday, February 5

11:30 am - Ladies Guild and Mens Fellowship

Sunday, February 7

8 am - Holy Communion

10 am - Holy Communion

Tuesday, February 9

5:30 pm - Vestry Meeting

Wednesday, February 10

6:00 pm - Evening Prayer

Saturday, February 13

9:00 am Men's and Women's Bible Study

Sunday, February 14

8 am - Morning Prayer

10 am - Morning Prayer

Wednesday, February 17

8:30 am - Ash Wednesday - Holy Communion

6:00 pm - Ash Wednesday - Holy Communion

Saturday, February 20

Nine Days of Prayer

8:30 am - Morning Prayer

Sunday, February 21

Nine Days of Prayer

8 am - Holy Communion

10 am - Holy Communion

Monday, February 22

Nine Days of Prayer

8:30 am - Morning Prayer

Tuesday, February 23

Nine Days of Prayer

8:30 am - Morning Prayer

Wednesday, February 24

Nine Days of Prayer

6:00 pm Evening Prayer

Thursday, February 25

Nine Days of Prayer

8:30 am - Morning Prayer

Friday, February 26

Nine Days of Prayer

8:30 am - Morning Prayer

Saturday, February 27

Nine Days of Prayer

8:30 am - Morning Prayer

Sunday, February 28

Nine Days of Prayer

8:00 am - Holy Communion

10:00 am - Holy Communion

About All SaintsWe are a classical Anglican parish located in Prescott, AZ. Our commitment is to preach and do the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the quad city area. We meet at 8:00 am and 10:00 am on Sunday morning to worship our risen Lord.

Sunday Service: 8:00 am and 10:00 am

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday Morning Prayer: 8:30 am

Wednesday Evening Prayer: 6:00 pm

ContactLocation: 1806 N Savage Lane, Prescott, AZ

Office: 928-443-5323

Prayer ListsPrayers for our Community

Pray for our country, the president, all representative, the military, and those in public service.

Pray for our state, the governor, all representative, and allwho serve the state.

Pray for health care providers and first responders.

Pray for the City of Prescott and surrounding communities.

Prayer for local churches that they would continue to equip men and women for the sake of the Gospel.


Bebe, Cathy Foster, Deacon Joe, Don Feher, Elizabeth DeWolfe, Jane,Robby, and Tom.

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