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2022 Annual Meeting Report

Parish Administrator


February 6, 2022

Call to Order and Opening Prayer: Fr. Dunn Time:


Quorum: Yes___ No___

Annual Meeting Notes 2021 Approved Yes_____No___ Pg. 6

With Corrections___


Rector’s Report Pg. 3

Senior Warden’s Report Pg. 5

Junior Warden’s Report Pg. 5

Bookkeeper’s Report Pg. 8

Ministry Reports: Pg. 10

Altar Guild

Bible Studies



Ladies’ Guild

Music Ministry


Other business

Bylaw Amendment Pg. 12

Vestry Election – one open position to be filled by Tom Snodgrass

Synod Delegates – two spots – open to any member in good standing


Closing Prayer: Fr. Dunn

Meeting Adjourned: Fr. Dunn Time:

Rectors Report

Beloved in Christ,

I have been privileged to serve as rector of All Saints Anglican Church for the last four and a half years. Some of you I met on my interview visit while others I have only know for a brief period since you started attending in the last year. It has been exciting to see so many fresh faces in the last two years. I have enjoyed getting to know each of you and more importantly watching your growth in Christ.

There have been challenges over the last year, including continuing the navigate the COVID crisis and the death of several dear members and friends. Despite these challenges the year was overwhelmingly positive. On our precocial report this year we are reporting thirty-eight members and seven adult attendees to be confirmed. Our bishop visited two weeks ago and confirmed four of these people, we also had two baptisms, one my daughter Lucy and the other a conditional rebaptism as the records were unavailable. We also received ten people into the church, several of these were from the previous year, but it was an extremely exciting day in the life of the church.

On the administrative side of the parish, we have added a “parish administrator” as a volunteer position. Ronnie Kohlhauer has graciously filled this position, helping me to stay more organized, and taking pressures off me by keeping some of the important organizational tasks managed so I can focus on being your pastor. I cannot sufficiently express how grateful I am for the help in this area.

I am encouraged that so many of you have placed a high emphasis on the centrality of Christ in your lives and in our community. It is by his grace that we are here today, and it is in his grace that we belong to him.

I am looking forward to the coming year. We will be focusing on what it looks like to be a disciple of Christ, and how we help one another grow in this. Starting next week, February 13th, we will finally be resuming Christian Education at 8:30 on Sunday mornings. This hour will allow us to dig deeper into important subjects in our Christian walk.

Our first study will be “Discipleship Explored” which surveys the book of Philippians as we try to understand what it looks like to be a disciple. Next, we will be reading a little book called “One to One Bible Reading,” which will encourage us to read scripture with others. We will have a “lab” time where we will be able to practice this skill. My hope is that not only will we be more committed disciples but that we will also invite and encourage others to become disciples as well.

Starting in the late spring I also plan to add a staff bible study, where we will be studying the lesson for the coming Sunday. This will help me work through the text and I hope it will be mutually beneficial for our paid and volunteer team. Once we start it any parishioner is welcome to join us.

Last fall we had an excellent catechism class with four catechumens as well as six interested members. This was a fruitful time for everyone. In a few weeks we will hold another catechism class, we already have four people signed up for it, but everyone is welcomed to join us. I will be sharing the date soon for this.

On a whole, I am very encouraged by what the Lord is doing here at All Saints. I hope that you will join with me in praying for each other and encouraging one another to continue to grow in the love and grace of Christ.

Thank you for allowing me to be your rector and I look forward to seeing what the Lord does in the life of our church and in each of your lives this coming year.

In Christ,

The Rev. Ian Emile Dunn

Rector, All Saints Anglican Church

Senior Warden

It has been my privilege to serve as Senior Warden for Fr. Ian during the last 2 years. As I was once told, the Senior Warden's job is to protect the Rector from himself, and I have tried to do that to the best of my ability! We have been blessed to see the growth numbers in our parish as well as spiritual growth and active service within our members. This past year has been a special blessing as we have seen this growth during a time when many parishes have struggled just to exist. I thank God for the faithful men and women who have served on our vestry and for the provision of a faithful, Godly man to shepherd us. (And for a beautiful wife to support him!) Let us continue to pray daily for these leaders, for God's guidance and blessing.

Respectfully submitted,

Ann Fincke

Junior Warden

We've made progress with quite a few projects around the church this year. The irrigation along the south side of the church wrapping around to the west side has been replaced using drip emitters. This should help us to limit the amount of water wasted irrigating. The dying pine tree at the front right side of the church was removed at the recommendation of our resident master gardener, Sarah. We attempted to revive it after getting the irrigation in place, but unfortunately it was not able to be saved. The church admin office in the parish hall was uplifted. We removed the cabinets which were falling apart, standardized bookshelves, built risers and installed file cabinets with a countertop to make for a nice work area. This has already demonstrated its handiness when the booklets were created and assembled for the Episcopal visit / Baptism / Confirmation / Reception. Church technology has been refreshed. The office computer and the streaming computer (in the vesting room) got new solid state hard drives, increased RAM (memory), and a fresh Windows install to get us through a couple more years at which time we'll want to consider replacement. Donna has begun bringing in books to be gone through as Kathi Feher heads up assembling the church library in the parish hall.

2021 Annual Meeting Notes

All Saints Anglican Church

Annual Meeting

January 31, 2021

The abbreviated annual meeting was called to order by Fr. Dunn at 11:04 am

We began the meeting with prayer.

A quorum (18) members were present with 19 members in attendance. (see attached roster)

Minutes: A motion was made by Kitty Prevel and seconded by Don Foster to accept the minutes from the annual meeting of January 26, 2020. They were accepted unanimously with no nays or abstentions.

Bookkeeper/Treasurer Report:

Ben Lizak presented a report of our 2020 finances and the budget for 2021.

We are down about $10,000 in our tithes for the year.

General Expenses: Our diocesan tithe is down about $1000 due to our decreased income.

We are over budget for computer expenses due to the purchase of the Realm program.

We are under budget due to the synod being canceled.

Therefore, our general expenses are actually under budget $2000.

The parish hall re-model put the church property account over budget by $1800.

The 2021 budget has a net total of $25,000 in the red. An explanation of our fixed expenses was given. Our tithes are projected to be down $10,000

Contributions can be made in person, by mail, or on-line.

It is anticipated that we will need to transfer funds from our reserve account in the first quarter of 2021.

A motion was made by Kathi Feher and seconded by Daniel Kohlhauer to accept the report as presented. The motion was passed unanimously, with no nays or abstentions.

Rector’s Report:

We lost two members this year through death – Earle Williams and Elizabeth Allbright.

We gained eight new members. Pray that we continue to grow.

We added “Nine Days of Prayer” to be held quarterly.

Thank you to Ronnie Kohlhauer, Shelley Belt, and Kathi Feher for spearheading a community outreach effort.

Thank you to Ronnie and Daniel Kohlhauer for all their volunteerism at the church.

Fr. Ian has one and a half years left in his Masters’ program.

Fr. Ian will be getting married in March. He will be gone March 7th and 14th.

Vestry Elections:

Kathi Feher and Ben Lizak have been nominated to fill the two vacant vestry positions. A motion was made by Daniel Kohlhauer and seconded by Ed Hume to accept these nominations. The motion was passed unanimously, with no nays or abstentions.


The provincial and Diocesan Synods will be held in Atlanta in July. Daniel Kohlhauer will be the provincial delegate. Kathi Feher and Shelley Belt will be our diocesan representatives. A motion was made by Ben Lizak and seconded by Don Foster to accept these delegates. The motion was passed unanimously, with no nays or abstentions. Ben and Holly Lizak will also be going to the synod as Ben is the diocesan treasurer.

Serve Collective: We will participate with other area churches on May 8th to do needed work in the community.

Fr. Ian closed the meeting with prayer.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:28 pm

Respectfully submitted,

Holly Lizak, Vestry Secretary

2021 Statement of Activities

2022 Budget


1 Tithes/Offerings 69,775.00

2 Special Holy Day Offerings 300.00

3 Designated Gifts Income 5,000.00

4 Earned Income 0.00

5 Miscellaneous Income 100.00

Total Income 75,175.00


1 Diocese/Outside Parish Contri 1,600.00

1.5 Dio of the Central & West States 6,800.00

2 Compensation, Taxes & Benefit 57,740.00

3 Education Expenses 200.00

4 General Administrative Exp 13,300.00

5 Worship Expenses 750.00

6 Christian Witness Expense 300.00

7 Church Properties Expense 14,540.00

8 Other Expenses 400.00

9 Designated Gifts Disbursed 5,000.00

Total Expense 100,630.00

Net Income (25,455.00)

Ministry Reports

Altar Guild

The Altar guild functions behind the scenes and is responsible for setting up and cleaning up the altar before and after Sunday services, and other special services during the week throughout the year. We are responsible for keeping altar supplies in stock.

We currently have five people on the Altar Guild. We would welcome more people. (It doesn’t have to be only women.)

Bible Study – Men’s

Men's bible study has resumed with a good turnout. Generally, 5-7 men in attendance. We're continuing Rob's plan to study the Psalm(s) of the Sunday following.

Bible Study – Ladies’

Our Ladies' Bible Study continues to meet at 9:00 AM on the second Saturday of each month in the Parish Hall (the same time as the Men's Bible Study). We are reading through "The Essential 100 Bible Reading Plan", reading and discussing several chapters each time. We are a very casual group - no long assignments or hard question - and all ladies are welcome to join us to learn more about the story of the Bible and what it is teaching us for our lives today. (For February 12 we will be reading 1 Kings 16:29 - 19:18.)

Respectfully submitted,

Ann Fincke

Ladies Guild

The Ladies Guild meets monthly on the first Friday of the month at 11:30am for lunch, fellowship, and discussion of and planning for outreach activities. Our average attendance at our monthly meetings is 10 – 12 women. We welcome all women.

In 2021 the Ladies sponsored a Dahlit child. We provided a meal for the Gospel Rescue Mission, which we plan to continue quarterly. We made bibs and burp clots for the pregnancy centers -- the CPC here in Prescott, and the House of Ruth in Cottonwood. We provide name badges for new parishioners. We are an authorized provider of Knitted Knockers here in Prescott. (Knitted Knockers are mastectomy prostheses) We participated in Hopefest at the courthouse square, and provided 250 snack bags for attendees. We made a monetary donation to Helping Hands Angel Gowns, an organization that provides gowns for newborns that die prior to leaving the hospital. We participated in the Serve Collective, an annual day of service in the community.

We have two major fundraisers during the year. We had our fourth annual cookie walk early in December. This was followed the next week by the Last Minute Stocking Stuffer event at the armory where we sell our ”Heavenly Fudge” Both events were hugely successful this year.

Music Ministry

The year 2021 into 2022 has been highlighted in music by the following things having happened:

1. The old keyboard became unstable. It had started this swan dive about a year before it became extremely unworkable. I started researching the best keyboards for a church.

2. The church fellows were asked to donate funds towards the purchase of a new keyboard. I had selected a Dexibell organ replacement keyboard. We raised the money easily

3. The new keyboard arrived and I began the process of learning. It has been a lot to learn this year, but for the most part, I'm only hurting people's ears a couple of times per service. I'm aiming for perfection, but not near that yet.

4. For Lessons and Carols this year, we had a large volunteer choir form and came to practice every week before church for a month. The end result was fabulous lessons and carols with tons of amazing voices singing.

5. Hymns have been picked for each season as well as with the readings for that Sunday being read and applied for topics in lyrics. We've been producing hymn lists on a monthly basis, instead of the old way of doing this Sunday by Sunday.

Submitted with love for the music at All Saints' in 2022!



All Saints vision for outreach opportunities evolved in several ways in 2021.

Locally, All Saints joined up with five other churches in the Quad Cities area in an organization we are calling the Serve Collective. The main effort involved planning and carrying out a Day of Service in April. Residents of three communities – Chino Valley, Prescott Pines Mobile Home Park, and Prescott Valley – were served by teams made of workers from all the churches who did extensive remedial cleanup of some neighborhood areas. The Ladies Guild of All Saints put together snack bags for the workers at all the sites, and members of All Saints served barbecued hot dog lunches at all Day of Service worksites. In 2022, All Saints and the other churches will continue to design, plan, and carry out a Day of Service at some time during the year.

The parish outreach team tried out an expanded approach to All Saints support of local charitable opportunities. We provided collection boxes in the back of the church for four local charitable organizations. These included the Prescott Food Bank, U.S. Vets, Stepping Stones, Prescott Community Pregnancy Center/Cottonwood House of Ruth. Each organization was identified for support twice during the year.

Our international outreach opportunities included Operation Christmas Child (third year of participation) and support of Diocesan educational scholarships for the Dalit children at the Anglican Province of America mission in India (second year of participation). This year we collected $5400 to provide yearly scholarships to 15 Dalit children. Parishioners donated 32 shoeboxes of gifts for Operation Christmas Child: 13 boxes were donated via the Samaritan’s Purse online system, and 19 boxes were filled by hand and taken to a local Prescott donation center. In addition, for Operation Christmas Child there were 36 Greatest Journey discipleship programs purchased.

In summary, four local organizations were supported over eight months, and our international outreach Operation Christmas Child and Dalit scholarships were supported during the remaining four months.

Bylaw Amendment:

1.5. Governance. In matters partly or wholly ecclesiastical only, this Church shall be subject to and governed by the Constitutions, Canons, Rules, Regulations and Discipline of the Church and those of the Diocese of the West, Central and Western States (DCWS), Anglican Province of America (APA) and shall unless contrary to the Statement of Faith, govern this Church. In the matter of purely temporal and

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